MSology Library – The MS disease process

Immune system and MS

– The immunopathophysiology of multiple sclerosis. Wu and colleagues. Neurol Clin 2011;29:257-278. A review of the immune changes seen during the MS disease process.

Neurodegeneration. The MS disease process is characterized by inflammation, which causes relapses and MRI lesions; and neurodegeneration, which results in the development of disability. The review focuses on neurodegeneration and how treatments may be developed to address this aspect of MS.

– Neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis: novel treatment strategies. Luessi and colleagues. Expert      Rev Neurother 2012;12:1061-1076.

Environmental factors. The 3 most important environmental factors associated with MS are vitamin D, virus exposure and cigarette smoking.

– A systematic review of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials examining the clinical      efficacy of vitamin d in multiple sclerosis. Pozuelo-Moyano and colleagues. Neuroepidemiology 2013;40:147-153. This summarizes studies of      vitamin D as a treatment for MS. Note that this analysis doesn’t address if low vitamin D levels increase the risk of developing MS, or the impact      of low vitamin D on MS signs and symptoms.

Viruses and multiple sclerosis. Owens and colleagues. Neuroscientist 2011;17:659-676.

– Epstein-Barr virus in the multiple sclerosis brain. Lassmann      and colleagues. Brain      2011;134(Pt 9):2772-2286. A report from a workshop in Vienna that      examined the possible role of Epstein-Barr in MS.

A review from the United Kingdom on the association between Epstein-Barr virus and MS. Almohmeed and colleagues. PLoS One 2013;8:e61110. 10.1371/journal.pone.0061110. Print 2013.

– Smoking and multiple sclerosis: an updated meta-analysis. Handel and colleagues. PLoS One 2011;6:e16149.

Smoking may be associated with faster disability progression. Manouchehrinia and colleagues. Brain 2013;136(Pt 7):2298-2304.

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