MSology Privacy Policy - MSology

MSology shares your concerns about maintaining the privacy of personal information collected on the Internet. The following Privacy Policy is intended to explain the information gathering and dissemination practices of MSology in connection with your use of the website.

Please also read the MSology Web Site User Agreement

1. Collection of Personal Information from Users of the Sites.

Actively Submitted Data: When you subscribe for a service, register as a member, respond to an online survey, request information or otherwise actively send us data or communicate with us, we may collect data such as your name, e-mail address(es), mailing address(es), telephone number(s), certain information related to your profession (e.g., specialization, education, position, etc.), and other personal profile data. In connection with chargeable services, if any, or if we compensate you for services, we will also collect payment information (e.g., credit card number and related verification information). In each such instance, you will know what data we collect, because you actively submit it. Also, we clearly label which data is required and which data is optional.

Passively Tracked Data: When you visit our websites, we may also passively track information on your computer and Internet connection, such as such as the IP address of your computer and/or Internet service provider, the date and time you access our website, the Internet address of websites from which you come to our websites, the Web browser and operating system you are using, and your movements and preferences on the Site or Survey.

Combined Data: Unless you also actively submit personal information such as your name or address, passively tracked data does not typically allow us to identify you personally (even though it can theoretically be done, we do not have the means or an interest to find out who you are unless you identify yourself voluntarily through an active submission of data). However, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we reserve the right to combine passively tracked data with personal data that you actively submit.

Cookies. We may place Internet “cookies” on users’ hard drives. Internet cookies can save data about individual users, such as the user’s name, password, username, screen preferences, and the pages of a site viewed by the user. When the user revisits the website, we may recognize the user by the Internet cookie and customize the user’s experience accordingly. Users may decline Internet cookies, if any, by using the appropriate feature of their web client software, if available. However, declining to use cookies may impede the ability of the website or the surveys to function properly. Enabling or declining cookies is within the user’s sole discretion. We accept no responsibility for a user’s decision to enable or decline cookies through their web client software.

2. Use of Personal Data Collected.

Actively Submitted Data: We collect actively submitted data primarily for the internal purposes of identifying you, in order to verify that you are eligible to use our website or, for example, to participate in a survey; personalizing your experience; providing you with information (e.g., news to which you have subscribed, educational materials, etc.); contacting you for marketing and promotional purposes (e.g., to advise you of new services or enhancements to existing services including but not limited to continuing medical education or sponsored marketing programs, to communicate updates on products that we believe you are interested in, or to invite you to participate in market research surveys); fulfilling honoraria requests; and creating studies and reports with aggregate information (i.e., without identifying you personally or disclosing any of your personal information) for our clients and others that are interested in doing business with us.

Passively Tracked Data: We collect passively tracked data primarily for the internal purposes of administering and protecting our website and our systems; identifying server problems; compiling aggregated statistics about site usage; analyzing trends, in order to better understanding the preferences of our visitors, ultimately so that we may know where to invest our ongoing development, creative and editorial efforts, and for promotional and marketing purposes.

3. Sharing of Information by MSology

We are not in the business of selling or renting your information to telemarketers and do not share your personally identifiable information with others, except as follows.

Legal Rights: We may share your information as required by law or in the interest of protecting or exercising your or our legal rights, e.g., in connection with requests from law enforcement officials and in connection with court proceedings. We may share or transfer your information in connection with a prospective or actual sale, merger, transfer or other reorganization of all or parts of our business. Also, we reserve the right to fully use and disclose any information that is not in personally identifiable form or which you publish without any restrictions (for example, name and business address of doctor’s office and related professional information on specialization and expertise.

Agents and Service Providers: We may share your personal information with agents and service providers who use the data only on our behalf and for our purposes under confidentiality agreements.

3rd Parties: Typically, only aggregated data will be provided to 3rd parties, and only such information that is relevant to programs they support will be provided. However, to the extent that a 3rd party may already have personally identifiable information about a user, we may inform the 3rd party as to whether that user did or did not participate in any of its sponsored programs.

Your request or consent: At your request or with your consent, we may share and use data differently, for example to facilitate communications and services between you and a third party. In all such instances the information to be released to the third party will be explicitly noted to you. Where information is shared with a third party in response to an express request from you, the use of the shared information by such third party is subject to the third party’ privacy practices. We expressly disclaim any liability for the use of your information by such third party.

4. Security Measures.

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. We have implemented technical and administrative security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information, including SSL security when credit card information is provided. Please note, however, that while we have endeavored to create a secure and reliable site for users, the confidentiality or accuracy of any communication or material transmitted to/from us over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. You are responsible for the security of information that you transmit via the Internet. It is your responsibility to safeguard the username and password that you use to access our websites, if any, and to notify us immediately at the address(es) below if you ever suspect that your username and/or password has been compromised. You are solely responsible for any unauthorized use of the website conducted via your username and password.

5. Opt-Out Right and Updating Account Information.

If you would like to opt-out of receiving promotional emails from us, please let us know at by contacting us via e-mail at Please note that our clients, affiliates and other third parties have their own data privacy policies, which may differ from ours. You will have to contact them separately if you would like to opt out of their communications.

If personal information you have submitted through the Site is no longer accurate, current, or complete, and you wish to update it, you may do so by updating your user profile on our websites, or by contacting us via e-mail at Upon appropriate request, we will update or amend your information, or provide you with access, but we reserve the right to use personal information obtained previously to verify your identity or take other actions that we believe are appropriate, including charging administrative fees.

6. MSology’s Right to Contact User.

We reserve the right to contact you regarding your web site activity, changes to this Agreement or any other relevant policies or agreements.

7. Collection of Personal Data from Children.

We do not knowingly solicit information from children and we do not knowingly market the Site or any goods or services to children. No one under the age of 13 should submit any personal information to MSology.

8. Contacting Us.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at the following e-mail address:

9. Effective Date and Changes to Privacy Policy.

The foregoing Privacy Policy is effective as of July 1, 2012. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time by notifying you of the existence and location of the new or revised Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Sites after notice of a change shall constitute your acceptance of any such changes to this Privacy Policy.

Please also read the MSology Web Site User Agreement