January 9, 2020 | News |

The top stories in 2019

We’re pleased to say that MSology had record readership in 2019 with over 35,000 readers accessing over 45,000 pages of content.

The year saw the launch of a new podcast series in which specialist nurses discussed some of the common symptoms of MS. A total of 1,740 people listened to one or more episodes in the series. Watch for more podcasts in 2020.

MSology also expanded its library of free publications (over 900 views) and Tip Sheets (over 600 downloads) and we’ll be developing more of these resources with our nurse advisors this year. Other items on the website are perennial favourites, such as our video clips and the Pre-Visit Questionnaire (to help you prep for your doctor visit).

We’d also like to send out a big Thank You to the many thousands who completed our surveys throughout 2019 – your responses help us keep track of what’s really going on.

Click on the links below to view the Top 5 items from 2019:

Click here to listen to our podcast series on MS symptoms.

Click here to view the Essentials booklet on Mavenclad.

Let us know your favourite topics so we can include them in 2020 at info@MSology.ca

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