Common Questions about MS

MS Radio convened a special panel of Canadian MS nurses to discuss some of the common questions people have when they are first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Part 1: The nurses talk about important issues at diagnosis, such as what MS will mean to your future and why treatment is needed to control the disease.

Part 2: The nurses discuss ways to maintain wellness while living with MS.

Nursing panel participants
Trudy Campbell, Dalhousie MS Research Unit, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Peggy Cook, MS Clinic, Saint John Regional Hospital, Saint John, New Brunswick
Diane Lowden, MS Program, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Quebec
Shirley MacGowan, MS Clinic, Saskatoon City Hospital, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Josée Poirier, MS Clinic, Hôpital Notre-Dame (CHUM), Montreal, Quebec

Moderated by Steven Manners, editor of MSology

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