Woman wearing a headset with three other women out of focus behind her.

Rating Your MS Patient Support Program

Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) presents people with many challenges and a person’s needs for information, counselling and support evolve over the years. All of the companies that manufacture MS medications provide patient support programs (PSPs) to provide information about MS, details about medications and managing side effects, and can provide assistance with other issues such as insurance and how to pay for the drugs.

A recent Internet survey in Germany reported that people with MS rate their PSP very highly (Kolmann and colleagues. Neurosci Nurs 2013;45:E3-14). People said that program services, such as a telephone hotlines and nursing advice, improved their overall quality of life.

My Voice
My Voice

How do you rate your Patient Support Service?

How long have you lived with MS?

How is your health in general?

On a given day, would you say your health imposes limits on your ability to work or go to school?

On a given day, would you say your health imposes limits on your activities?

What MS medication are you currently taking?

Which, of the following Patient Support Program for your MS medication are you currently using or have most recently used? (names may differ in some countries)

How would you rate the quality of your program’s information about MS?

How would you rate your program’s nursing support hotline?

How would you rate your program’s help in financial matters (insurance, reimbursement, financial assistance)?

Which of the following services were most valuable to you?

Has your interaction with a Patient Support Program helped you cope with your MS?

Has your interaction with a Patient Support Program improved your overall quality of life?

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