June 23, 2016 | News | Living with MSMy Voice

Surveying what you expect from your MS nurse

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The role of the MS nurse has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. Nurses are faced with new concepts, new therapies and new challenges in providing the best care. Their tasks are many: providing information about MS, explaining how new therapies work, discussing the benefits, risks and side effects of treatment, helping you manage your MS symptoms and providing ongoing advice and encouragement throughout your years of living with MS.

Nurses don’t work from a To-Do list. They try to provide the information, counselling and services they think are needed, and MS clinic resources are provided accordingly. So the services you receive will vary according to the clinic you visit and the nurse you see.

Are you receiving the care you need?

MSology has worked with a group of Canadian MS nurses to develop a questionnaire to learn more about what you expect from your MS nurse and the services you would like to receive. Your feedback is invaluable and will help MS clinics in providing better care. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. The findings of the survey will be published once we’ve compiled all the results.

Thank you for participating in the survey!

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